Our Business Services
Services can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each organization. You can choose from the services listed below. We encourage you to schedule a meeting today to determine how UP Mental Health can meet your needs.
Culture Assessment and Consultation
Many organizations know the type of culture they want for their employees, but struggle to know how to develop and maintain that culture. The Culture Assessment and Consultation can help you determine where your company culture is, and how to get it where you want it to be.
Onboarding Services
Finding employees that fit with your company culture can be difficult. Having someone who is objective, but knows what you are looking for can be helpful in hiring new employees.
Individual Therapy
For employees that are struggling, finding a therapist can be a daunting task. Providing on site therapy using UP Mental Health shows your employees that you value them and care about their well-being.
Individual, small group, and company-wide trainings are available on a variety of topics. Topics vary from culture, to management skills, to mental health issues. Specific topics that everyone in your organization needs can be addressed in this format.
Separation Interviews
It can be difficult to lose employees. In the event of an employee separation, UP Mental Health can conduct the exit interviews as a non-biased third party to help you gain insightful feedback.
Group Therapy
Group therapy can help relieve work place stress, build relationships, and be a safe place to address some of the over-arching issues that employees are facing.